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2025 Tax Fairness Priorities

Mainers know that the challenges facing our communities need a response big enough to meet the moment. Whether it’s a housing crisis, direct care workforce shortages, or crumbling roads and bridges, the best way to make a difference is to confront them as a state. But for decades wealthy individuals and corporations have stacked the deck to avoid paying taxes, forcing the rest of us to pick up the slack while leaving important cornerstones of our society, like schools and public safety, underfunded.

Time and time again, people fighting for solutions to these problems are told there is no money while new loopholes are created for already-prosperous corporations. This harms both working families and small businesses who cannot compete with their own army of lawyers and accountants.


We can and must change our tax system to bring more fairness to how we raise money and adequately fund the investments that will determine our future prosperity. Here is how we can do it.

Legislators from across the state have submitted these and many other proposals that aim to fund unmet needs by asking the wealthy and powerful to pay their fair share. For a deeper dive into revenue options and tax fairness, check out MECEP’s 2025 Tax Policy Solutions Brief and Tax Fairness Explainer.